How important is it for you to have a lot of money?
Really important. So I can share it with many poor children :)
Which is the funniest name you've ever heard?
Makmur Sendiri hahahahaha. For God's sake, parents who give that
name to their baby are really hope for better future for their baby,
which is that's sooooo funny and selfish name anyway!
FYI, Makmur means wealthy. Sendiri means alone. Hahaha.
FYI, Makmur means wealthy. Sendiri means alone. Hahaha.
How old were you when you got your first computer?
Waktu SMA kelas 3 mungkin.
Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?
Apa rasa permen karet favoritmu?
Jika kamu dapat bepergian ke mana saja di Afrika, ke manakah kamu akan pergi?
Waduuh...Afrika? Doh apa dong, mungkin Tunisia atau Morocco (yang katanya native man-nya lumayan ganteng-ganteng haha)
Apa olahraga yang suka kamu tonton?
Apa yang kamu lihat dari jendelamu? (pap dong)
Alat musik apa yang ingin kamu mainkan?
Alat musik DJ
Film terbaik apakah yang pernah kamu tonton?
Apa ya.. The sister keeper.
Anda lebih suka teh, kopi, atau cokelat?
Setiap hari sejak dari jaman moyang gw, kita punya budaya ngeteh
di keluarga. Jadi udah terbiasa sama teh. Tapi cokelat hangat juga
Apa yang akan kamu lakukan jika memiliki banyak uang?
Ngelunasin hutang haha, belikan rumah buat nyokap and adik2, umroh bareng sekeluarga.
What is your favorite salad?
Fruit salad.
Do you love the World you live in?
Of course. Kalo gak cinta bumi, mau tinggal dimana emangnya?