Friday, February 28, 2014

Hijab Tutorial: Which One Become Your Fav Style?

Hi assalamu'alaikum ladies!
I choose pictures bellow which easy to practice on you, next I will choose hijab style which with medium step to practice, see ya next!

*Click on pictures to zoom it out


With Shawl/Pashmina


Square hijab/Paris drapery/Scraft


Square hijab/Paris drapery/Scraft

Square hijab/Paris drapery/Scraft

Okay, sooo, which one become your fav style? :)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

How To Identify The Drama Queen?

By recognize the characteristics of a drama queen, it can be a provision to face his/her behavior later. What are the characteristics of drama queen?

1. Like to seek attention, emotions explosiveness, and selfish. Drama queen often do anything for the benefit of him/herself without caring whether the actions or words hurt and harm others
2. They are very nice and sociable, but manipulative, they like to exaggerate something, self-centered, selfish, and always want to be center.
3. Drama queen is very clever to blame others rather than face their own problems. She/he is happy to make other looks like her/his slaves.
4.  The principle is they should always get what they want. If normal way does not work, they will try all way, means, including a bad way also.
5. Don't be surprised if you find the drama queen is always emotional every time don't get what they want. Stay away and don't ever let yourself get into their game. Says: "whatever" if he/she attacks you verbally.
6. Tell to the drama queen firmly that you would never tolerate his/her behavior or you will break up your relation if he/she still acting outrageous.
May it be useful for you! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Hehoo, lama gak nulis update ya. Kemarin ada salah satu eyang kami meninggal, jadi vakum beberapa hari. Sekalinya mau update eh keinget convo dengan seseorang yang bikin keki, ada yang nanya tentang masalah beginian ke gw. Serasa pengen ngelempar bom molotov ke udara. Duaarr!!
"Kamu kenapa belum nikah juga sih ning?" | "Eeeeng.." *tiktok-tiktok | "Kenapa diam?" | "Kok pertanyaannya kenapa sih pak?" | "Lah iya memang gimana seharusnya? Kapan kamu nikah" | "Eeeeng, kapan.. saya sendiri juga belum tahu, keinginan sih secepatnya" | "Ya terus kenapa belum juga?" | "Yaa gimana lagi pak, orang belum ada yang datang ngelamar, mau nikah sama siapa?" | "Kamu gak serius mungkin nyarinya.." | "Sudah berusaha pak" | "Ya tapi kelihatannya kamu yang ndak serius" | "Saya serius kok malahan" | "Ah saya gak percaya" | "Lah kenapa?" | "Kalau serius, mana mungkin gak ada orang yang deketin. Kamu kan lumayan cantik" | "Memuji kok pakai lumayan sih" *sewot | "Oke, ralat, cantik. Jangan terlalu high standard" | "Biasa saja" | "Kalau gitu, jangan terlalu selective" | "Katanya itu penting" | "Penting, tapi jangan terlalu kebangetan" | "Sama sekali enggak pak" | "Kamu ini! Ya intinya sama saja: kamu itu yang belum mau serius. T-I-T-I-K" | ERRRRRRR......... *muka asem

Well well to the well...
Sudah deh, lambaikan tangan ke kamera saja kalau kasusnya begini :(

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Met Dynamic Duo Movie Directors: Riri Riza and Mira Lesmana

For the first time on my life I met that 2 great Indonesian talented movie director and producer by an event. I was very very thankful to be sat at the first bench at that event, so I could see them so close. They both very inspired us to be more sensitive with social issue, whether to put it on movie, articles or whatever we work on. There we learned about their movie. They said: NEVER STOP BE CREATIVE!. They talked about their movie Atambua 39" Celcius and 3 Hari Untuk Selamanya (3 Days for Forever).

If you want to know more about they both, you can see this video when they talked about "creative inspiration" as dynamic duo at TEDxUltima. You can see how they inspired us!


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Laptop's Case Handmade

What's the common answer from man if they meet question like: how's the ideal woman to be wife as you dreamed of? Look, almost men maybe answer like this: A women who can make up well, dressing well, cook well, and caring family as well. And.. yeah, to be find the ideal type of woman as wife like this are extremely rare now. For little examples, hard to find a modern girl who knows how to cook and sewing well. I glazed at my self. Pheeww. At least, though not perfect in sense of cooking and sewing, but I proved that I learned well :p Here, I just prove that sewing by hand was not easy as what people say at all. I tried to make a laptop's case with hand stitching. And taraaaa... these are the result:

Not really bad right? :p

Thursday, February 20, 2014

BUNtastic Hair Do

For those ladies who have long hair, no need to be confused to make your hair look neat. Hair bun style is the answer. Bun means curl up the hair. Besides looks simple and concise, hair bun can make an oval impression of your face because it shows your neck. Hair bun style well suited for casual events or formal events too. How to make hair bun style more cool? Just add an accessories in your bun hair.

Korean people often bun their hair as simply as that

You can go to party with this hair bun style too :)

The steps:

    1. Tie your hair to the side.
    2. Put bangs and a little hair on side for natural impression.
    3. Make a hole in the middle that tied hair, put hair that has been tied into it.
    4. Gyre hair, then insert it into the existing hole at the base of the hair is tied up.
    5. Roll up and tie with a rubber hair.
    6. To be more neat, pin with bobby pin.
    7. Pin with hair bands or hair accessories to sweeten the look.

Casual bun style

Korean bun side style

Classic bun to go to formal event

Classic Bun Steps:
1. Ponytail the hair

2. Twist the ponytail to form a bun.  
3. Add bobby pins to hold the bun.  
4. Secure the bun with hairspray, so it's not easily separated.

Easy isn't it? Good luck, ladies! :)


Hijab Tutorial: Arabian Style With Shawl

Here's too... 
I want to share one of many videos on youtube. We ll, we can name it "Arabian Style". It's very simple to use. Just prepare your pashmina/shawl/scraft and pin. Just check this video out!

How? Simple, isn't it? :)


Hijab Tutorial: Volume Style With Shawl

Hi assalamu'alaikum, ladies!

Here I choose one of thousand hijab tutorial videos on youtube, these style became my favorite too. It's simple for your daily hijab. It can cover your chest too. Before, you prepare these things first:

* Shawl hijab/Scraft
* Inner (if you dont want to wear ninja, you can wear syiria inner)
* Pin


Look, these style will make your hijab look volume. You can wear it to formal event too. But, better cover your chest with blouse :)


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Holika-Holika Petit Jelly BB Cream

I knew this product name by some review from beauty blogger, I became curious about this BB cream, from its name sounded "unique" :p too girly or whatever. But really, this BB cream is good for recommend to you.

Nice packaging, not easy to spill and very cute bottle with its spatula! Well design with an attractive tosca color on its box.

What's offered by this product:
  • Easy blending on skin
  • Fully hydrated skin
  • Covering up of facial blemishes
  • Soft and bouncy skin
The texture:
I wonder with "jelly texture" here somehow, but believe me it's lightweight, contains 80% water, easy to applied and moist. And this BB cream comes with its unique sponge too (it's not some low-quality sponge anyway). So easy to applied. The oil control here is superb! It's suit for dry skins, normal skins or oily skins too. It can covered the T area as well. You can feel cooling sensation within when you first apply it.

Rp 207.000,00

How? You are interest to purchase? :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Beware: Fake Make Up

Make up is special thing that can not be separated from women, indeed. Make up can help to cover up the deficiencies on face. Nowadays make up can be purchased easily via online or beauty store directly. We can choose from standard brand to famous brand. But don't buy just any product, you have to check its originality first. Many sellers offering make up stuff from famous brands such as MAC, Benefit, Dior, Lancome, etc. with a fairly cheap price. Watch out for this! Then, what safe tips for purchase makeup stuff? Read these, hope it can help as well :)

1. The easiest way is purchase by official counter or online via official webstore please. Ex: MAC webstore

2. Check whether the barcode on packaging same with the box. Generally, the fake ones has no barcodes on product packaging, or it has different barcodes.

Fake product of Coastal Scents brand
3. Characteristics of mercury-containing cream is texture that would not blend as well when applied and the results reveal super fast. 
Look the texture and the color
4. The most easily found in the market are fake makeup brand MAC. Ex: For eyeshadow MAC, it has case box full and no glass, so eyeshadow colors can not be seen from outside without opening the case first. MAC original product only 2-palette, 4-palette-4, 6-palette or only an unit of eyeshadow cream.

5. The price is cheaper, and it combined in a single package. Ex: mascara and eyeliner in one package. The seller always give reason like "there are a promo sale" or bla-bla-bla.

Fake brush of Bobbi brown brand
6. Check variants and product number you want to purchase at official website of the brand.

May it helps you, ladies! Be careful before you purchase!



Monday, February 17, 2014

This Girl's Dream Car

Pink Mini Cooper

*****Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal*****




Sunday, February 16, 2014

Disaster is NOT a Joke, Please!

Mungkin ini sedikit memalukan untuk dipostingkan di blog, apalagi kalau dibaca orang asing, karena itu lebih baik saya gunakan Bahasa Indonesia saja. Ketika di sini kami yang terkena dampak abu vulkanik tebal membuka twitter untuk update informasi seputar kondisi Kelud di timeline, toh di bagian Indonesia yang lain pun masih saja ada yang update tentang perayaan Valentine. Dua sisi yang sangat berbeda. Kami tidak pernah membayangkan akan menjumpai tanggal 14 Februari dengan abu vulkanik tebal dan suasana langit merah di sekitar kami. Tentunya mereka Indonesian yang  merayakan hari Valentine pun tidak akan pernah mau apalagi membayangkan untuk berada di posisi kami. Mungkin, kalau mereka berada di situasi yang sama, tidak akan pernah terlintas pikiran untuk sebuah perayaan Valentine. Apalagi untuk merayakan, untuk sekedar mengucapkan saja pasti tidak. Bahkan saya lebih heran lagi ketika membaca status di facebook atau twit di account twitter yang intinya: abu vulkanik Kelud=kado valentine. Kado YOUR HEAD! Heran, kenapa ya Indonesian itu gemar sekali menjadikan bencana sebagai suatu bahan bercandaan, yang mungkin...menurut mereka itu suatu hal yang lucu atau bisa menarik perhatian orang lain yang membaca. Tapi menurut saya, THAT'S ABSOLUTELY STUPID JOKE! Gimana perasaan anda, kalau anda lagi dalam bencana dan ada orang yang menjadikan bencana itu sebagai bahan lelucon? Apa mereka pikir lucu, sebuah letusan gunung itu jadi kado Valentine untuk warga sekitar Kediri? Bisa dibayangkan, bagaimana nenek-nenek atau kakek-kakek yang terkena ISPA karena setiap hari menghirup udara yang bercampur abu vulkanik? Gila ya, kalau masih saja ada Indonesian yang rela datang jauh-jauh ke Kediri, hanya untuk berwisata menikmati dan melihat abu vulkanik Kelud dari dekat? What a stupid people! Di saat saudaranya, sesama Indonesian di Kediri dan sekitarnya berjuang untuk mendapatkan udara bersih dan sehat, eh ini ada orang yang malah berwisata di tempat itu. OMG... sampai ndak ngerti harus komentar apa...

Kami, yang berjarak 177 km dari Kelud saja sampai H+3 ini, masih susah mendapatkan air bersih dan udara sehat. Debu vulkanik yang tebal sampai 5 cm, setiap hari sudah berupaya dibersihkan, namun masih saja beterbangan kemana-mana. Bagaimana mungkin terlintas untuk sekedar mengucapkan "Selamat Valentine" kalau kondisi debu vulkanik saja masih membuat kami bahkan tidur dengan memakai masker. Ketika seseorang memberi ucapan Valentine pada saya, saya tidak membalas mengucapkan kalimat apapun, hanya saya balas dengan kiriman sebuah foto kondisi di rumah saya. Setelah itu dia meminta maaf, karena tidak membayangkan bahwa kondisi di rumah saya akan separah itu. Oke. Tidak ada Valentine, tidak ada bunga, tidak ada apapun. Kami tidak butuh cokelat, bunga, kue, ataupun kartu ucapan Valentine. Semua yang kami butuhkan adalah udara,lingkungan dan air yang bersih dan sehat saat ini.


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Volcanic Ash By Mount Kelud

Though it's look same with Merapi ash at 2010 ago, but Kelud ash is more smooth. So it's more slick and it can caused accident at road. Volcanic ash by Kelud also covered the streets so the visibility is very limited. Because it is very soft, volcanic ash by Kelud can easily get into people breathing. I even feel masker is not enough to prevent the whiff of volcanic ash when driving on the road. And the ash still can get into the troath by breathing.

These are some pictures today:

Solo City look from up, look the skies, dark.

The volcanic ash by Kelud
Even at 1 pm, there are no sun light. Motorcyles and cars should turn on the light.

Unfortunately, there are still people who dont wear masker.

Look the visibility here is only about 3 metres.

The situation at Surdiman street, Solo

You can imagine my story after eruption just like this, but what I faced was more terrible.



Friday, February 14, 2014

Today After Mount Kelud's Eruption

This morning after we got a shock from Kelud's eruption, we still doing activities at home as usual, some institutions give instruction to take holiday due to Mount Kelud. We don't go anywhere because from mosque near my home, there are instruction to keep stay at home. I only going outside to minimarket and to buy some food. About 9.50 am, I am surfing with my notebook, mom watching news television. Suddenly I hear rumble sound like a thunder (I don't know whether it's the explosion again or not) and I hear our neighboor shout out like warning us to stay at home. Hurry I check the condition outside of home...and...really...we have terrible morning today, I look ash like a hurricane, with dark skies. The wind blows and makes visibility even less visible within 2 meters! I close the door and scream to my whole family, and turn out inside our house...there also terrible. I can't explain properly but there are like fume fills whole dark, we can't see everything about 2 meters front of us. I even can't see mom. It looks dark because the ash and power failure (remember, the atmosphere outside is bit dark, like an evening with its red skies, so we only have lamps to keep bright). We are so afraid. Stay at home feels like suicide also. I put my coat, masker and sun glasses. So do with my whole family. We don't need long time to think, then we stay at terrace, I even don't shut down my notebook. I just close it and save it under newspaper so it safe from ash (but it's bad choose anyway). Though the wind blows for a while, but it's totally make us trembling. The atmosphere just like when evening and the water here become dirty. We have to use masker and glasses whole day. Now, it's better than morning, but still we can't see the brightly sun whole day. I hope nothing will happen this night. But we have to keep standby. Look, we are aboout 177 kilometres from Kelud, it's just the affect from eruption. And, I really can't imagine how people near Kelud right now. God, please save us. Amiin.

Here, I have some pictures of Mount Kelud when eruption occured at 22.50 pm last night:

When eruption happen, the condition become bright as a day (while it's 22 pm, 13 February)

the height of eruption reach 17 kilometres (14 February)

You can see the skies there

Look the thunder that appear within the eruption

Look the thunder's scary





I also have video here, look, my phone has no flash, so the look here is original. You can imagine HOW DARK it is, and look at the red skies here too:

