Saturday, March 29, 2014

Pop Es

Percakapan dengan seorang anak laki-laki usia 6 tahun, anak penjual POP ICE:

Gw: "Cah bagus namanya siapa dulu..?"
Si anak: "PENDI PEDELPOP" *bisik-bisik*
Gw: "Hah? siapa? tenanan to, nama kamu siapa sik hayo...?"
Si anak: "FANDI PEDELPOP" *bisik-bisik* 

Ini gw budeg amat ya. Masa namanya pedelpop? *merek es krim?* *mikir* *trus otak ngebayangin es krim cokelat*

Gw udah excited banget untuk cerita ke temen gw. Tapi, saking pelupanya, gw salah nyebutin nama anak itu. Di otak sih kebayang bentuk es krim cokelat itu, tapi setelah gw bisik-bisik ke temen gw, yang keluar dari mulut gw, beda produk lagi:

Gw: "Eh, Ya! Masa anak itu tadi bilang namanya...POP ES coba!" *DYENG! Otak dan mulut gak sinkron*
Ria: "Hah? Masa namanya POP ES?"
Gw: "Iya, serius! Tadi gw tanya langsung kan, trus dia bisik-bisik"
Ria: "Masa sih ada anak namanya POP ES?"
Gw: "Gw tadi denger, dia bilang namanya POP ES siapa gitu..."

Ria yang dengan spontan langsung bertanya ke penjual POP ICE:

Ria: "Mas, mas, masa nama anakmu POP ES to?"
Penjual Pop Ice: "Anakku?"
Ria: "Iya, anak cowok kecil itu tadi anakmu kan?"
Penjual Pop Ice: "Oh, iya itu anak saya mbak...tapi namanya RENDI PEDELPOP, bukan RENDI POP ICE" *polos*

Seketika gw balik badan menjauh dan ketawa ngakak. Omg -____________-

Sunday, March 23, 2014 Kepoan Ke Saya Hari Ini

How important is it for you to have a lot of money?
Really important. So I can share it with many poor children :)
Which is the funniest name you've ever heard?
Makmur Sendiri hahahahaha. For God's sake, parents who give that name to their baby are really hope for better future for their baby, which is that's sooooo funny and selfish name anyway!
FYI, Makmur means wealthy. Sendiri means alone. Hahaha.
How old were you when you got your first computer?
Waktu SMA kelas 3 mungkin.
Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?
Apa rasa permen karet favoritmu?
Jika kamu dapat bepergian ke mana saja di Afrika, ke manakah kamu akan pergi?
Waduuh...Afrika? Doh apa dong, mungkin Tunisia atau Morocco (yang katanya native man-nya lumayan ganteng-ganteng haha)
Apa olahraga yang suka kamu tonton?
Masih ditanyain juga. Ini nih.. si iton lagi ngedunk di seri solo.
Apa olahraga yang suka kamu tonton?
Apa yang kamu lihat dari jendelamu? (pap dong)
Mau jendela apaan dulu nih? Ini termasuk jendela juga kan? :D
Apa yang kamu lihat dari jendelamu? (pajang gambar)
Alat musik apa yang ingin kamu mainkan?
Alat musik DJ
Film terbaik apakah yang pernah kamu tonton?
Apa ya.. The sister keeper. 
Anda lebih suka teh, kopi, atau cokelat?
Setiap hari sejak dari jaman moyang gw, kita punya budaya ngeteh di keluarga. Jadi udah terbiasa sama teh. Tapi cokelat hangat juga suka.
Apa yang akan kamu lakukan jika memiliki banyak uang?
Ngelunasin hutang haha, belikan rumah buat nyokap and adik2, umroh bareng sekeluarga.
What is your favorite salad?
Fruit salad.
Do you love the World you live in?
Of course. Kalo gak cinta bumi, mau tinggal dimana emangnya? 

Saturday, March 22, 2014 Kepo-Kepoan Hari Ini

Salted or sweet popcorn?
the salt one.

If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach?
Bahasa Belanda :p

What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
Waktu depresi berkepanjangan selama setahun lebih. Gak pernah ngerasain ngantuk, gak pernah nangis. Insomnia akut.

What's your favorite perfume?
Elizabeth Arden green tea perfume.

If you could paint anything what would you paint?
Wallpaper on my room.

What do you like to do on a rainy day?
Sleep :/

What makes someone attractive?
Their brain and behaviour! :*

Apa yang ada dalam sakumu?
Uang, hape.

Apakah Anda ingat teman pertama Anda?
Teman pertama saat masih baby, si kakak.
Teman pertama saat masuk TK, Etien.
Teman pertama saat masuk SD, Ita.
Teman pertama saat masuk SMP, Wina
Teman pertama saat masuk SMA, Yuni.
Teman pertama saat masuk kuliah, Nina.

Di mana kamu ingin tinggal?
Udah pernah dijawab. Bali atau Melbourne.

Apakah yang kamu tonton di TV kemarin?
Kemarin...apa ya? Lupa. Indonesian idol 8 gak sampai selesai.

What can you do that others can't do?
too much "sabar" :)

What are you most proud of?

Who do you respect the most?
Diversity :)

What are your TOP 5 movies?
top 5 movies? banyak sih...
1. Hachiko
2. Fast and Furious.
3. Crows Zero
4. The Avengers
5. Magic Mike :v *melted*

What vegetable do you hate?

What are your hobbies?
Blogging, reading, watching basketball game, listening music and have Internet connection.

Would you ever make a parachute jump?
Enggak mau. Takut ketinggian.

Which is your favorite song?
Saat ini lagi dengerin lagunya republik-sandiwara cinta, hahaha *bai maksimal*

What’s your favorite method of shopping?
The main question is... "emang shooping ada metodenya yah? hahaha" Belanja mah belanja aja, yang penting gak pake ngutang di kasir. Sesuai shooping chart aja.

What's something you're not very good at but enjoy doing anyway?
Writing on english version :p

What's the best cheese to eat with crackers?
Mozarella cheese.

What are 5 things you love?
1. I love ME
2. I love ME
3. I love my family
4. I love my besties
5. I love my dreams and hopes.

How can you be happy without money?
Noone could happy without money. Money means LIVE. But happiness depends on our thankfulness.

What's a warning sign that you're in the presence of bad company?
Bad boss. Bad environtment 

Thursday, March 20, 2014 Kepo Apa Hari Ini?

What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?
Listening music, sleeping.

Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
Ibu-ibu tetangga yang rumpi :D

How much time per day do you spend on the internet?
Too much

What did you watch on TV yesterday?
News about MH370 case

How did you make your first money?
Worked at PKMBP Yogyakarta (Pusat Kajian Media dan Budaya Populer) as enumerator, when I was at collage.

What is the most important thing you have learned in life?
Lost my beloved daddy.

Where is the scarcest place you have ever traveled to?
Rumah hantu haha

Is humanity progressing or deteriorating?
Deteriorating, but I guess there are people who keep humanity (though only few people).

Siapa yang ingin kamu temui?
Saat ini, sahabat-sahabat jaman kuliah di jogja.

Siapakah orang yang paling cantik di negaramu?
Nyokap, yang kedua gw :p

Hal seperti apa yang kamu sukai?
Too much things, never prioritize one by one.

Siapa tokoh sejarah yang paling kamu benci?
Semua tokoh beland* yang pernah muncul di buku sejarah indonesia karena penjajahan.

Apa serangga yang Anda takuti?

Apakah satu hal yang paling kamu inginkan dalam hidup saat ini?
Marriage. Haha. Trus umroh sama ibu and suami.

Bangsa apa yang akan menjadi bangsa paling kuat dalam 100 tahun mendatang?
Bangsa yang tegas dan kuat hukumnya dalam penanganan kasus KORUPSI.

Dengan siapa kamu berharap tidak pernah bertemu?
Dengan penjahat hati.

Alamat apa yang akan selalu kamu ingat?
Alamat palsu :p alamat email jelas gak mungkin, karena gw forgetfull woman. Alamat rumah insyaallah inget kok.

Anda lebih suka memberi atau menerima?
Ngasih lah.

Sudahkah kamu punya aplikasi untuk iPhone?
Sudah ya

Apakah kamu lebih tahan panas atau dingin?
Sama-sama sensitif sama panas dan dingin.

What is the most popular sport in your country?
Udah pernah dijawab kan ya.

Which celebrities do you suspect are really aliens walking amongst us?
Keanu Reeves :D *too much cute to suspect as alien*

What is your favorite activity?

How many hours a day do you spend watching TV?
More than 1 hours-less than 2,5 hours

What have you been thinking about lately?
A 'friend' from far far far away land :p

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Reggae Time!

Reggae time! These remix just make everything sounds good :D

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 Kepo Apa Lagi?

Who are your enemies?
My ego

What time of day is your favorite?
Saturday night :D

What’s on your mind?
I wanna buy pasta or fuyunghai right now for my dinner time :(

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?
About a month, I think

What is your all-time favorite song?
Endless Love by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie

What will the future be like?
Full of loves, happiness, prosperity and peacefulness <3 div="">

Would you prefer to have the power to fly or be invisible?
The power to fly aja lah. Invisible mah kaya hantu jatohnya :|

Dian gantengnya kebangetan tuh ya ampun, subhanallah subhanallah :((((
Astafirulloh yaalloh alhamdulillahiladzi ahyana ba'dama amatana waillaihi nuzur. Amin. :3

What is the best invention ever?

Would you rather have $50,000 free and clear or $150,000 that is illegal?
$50,000 free and clear. *segitu aja udah syukur...dollar itu dollar*

What are your bad habits?
Bad moody one!

How long do you need to sleep to be in good shape?
I dont need long time to sleep anyway :/

What's the bravest thing you've ever done?
Faced all my whole life problems since born until now :")

What is the one thing you want most in your life right now?
Meet my husband insyaallah hahaha *edyan* :3

Do you prefer talking or texting?
Talking, but if the distance is too far far far away...what can I do? Text be another choice of course.

What's one thing you refuse to pay for?
Ibu-ibu berjilbab yang dateng ke rumah minta sumbangan ngaku-ngaku dari YPAC. Aje gile!

If you opened up a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?
Pizza and desert thing

What is your favorite song at the moment?
Banyak sih, apa ya...yg hip hop and dance music.

What do you want to know about the future?
Jodoh gw siapa yaawoooh -_________-

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

Where should you never take a first date?
Di tempat horror wweew

What is your favorite tea?
Green tea, olong tea, jasmine tea. Kalo merek gw prefer ke Teh Djenggot, Teh Nyapu sama Teh Gopek trus di-mix. Sadap!

Where would you wish to wake up tomorrow?
A classy room at Aussie with my husband lying next to me. Awww :D

What was the smartest decision you have ever made?
THE SMARTEST? Haha, move on from my ex who has cheated me.

What's the longest you've gone without accessing the internet?
Wah apa ya...jaman masih kecil mungkin, yakalii di jaman segitu udah canggih internet :p

Monday, March 17, 2014

Soundtrack of The Day: 17.03.14

Perih by Andra and The Backbone

Friday, March 14, 2014

Java Traditional Wedding Ceremony

Hi readers!

Now, I prefer to share about my culture, as Javanese woman, I love all of Javanese custom. One among all is traditional wedding ceremony. Actually, Indonesia has two kind of wedding ceremony: modern and traditional. Because Indonesia consist of sooooo many ethnic, so we can choose many traditional wedding ceremony too. Most of people who choose traditional wedding ceremony, it's because their ethnic background. There are Aceh, Batak, Dayak, Bali, Central Java, Yogyakarta, Papua, Ambon, and many other. People choose modern wedding ceremony because it's more simple. But I think, it's same anyway, need lots money, need lots detail. 

Both has the different between. Traditional wedding ceremony performed by local custom rules. Indonesia has many etnic, each of which has its own tradition of wedding ceremony. In a mixed marriage, brides usually choose one custom, or sometimes both customs were also used in a separate event. While modern wedding ceremony performed by following the rules from abroad. Usually style that used is European style. 

But in this case, I will telling you about my custom. Here step by steps about Javanese wedding tradition which mixed with modern style, but not leave essential of the custom:

Pre Wedding Steps: (by the way, this steps must be carried out by the groom)

1. Nontoni / See the candidate
This is the tradition to see each other, people see their candidate couple. Even sometimes even they have never seen, or never know each other. Eventhough there is also possibility they already know or ever seen each other.

2. Lamaran / The proposal
In modern young people nowadays, if the guys want to propose someone who they have known, they will asking her directly. But it's only first personal step. Next, he must come to her parents/family, to asking permit to marry her. On one day has been set before, the groom and his family coming to the bride house, meet her parents/family and bring gift for the bride and the family. If the proposal is accepted then two family negotiate a good day to carry out the wedding ceremony.

3. Paningsetan / Engagement
After the proposal accepted by the bride's family, there are step that must be carried out by the groom, that is engagement. The groom must give jewelry, just as a proof that he really serious with that woman, so does the woman. They have to be commit with their love and their heart, as long as their life. It usually use rings that wear by both of couple.

The Witness Steps:

4. Paseksen / The witness 
After going through phase of pre wedding, both the groom and the bride have to confirmed by the third part, such as relatives, neighbors, or elders. Just to make sure that they will getting marry, and there are no lies between. In this step, they need to take care of the wedding document equipment

5. Asok Tukon / Funds from the groom to the bride's family
Give funds from the groom in form of a sum money to help ease the bride's family prepare their wedding ceremony. It's to proof that the groom accept bride's family like his family too, as it is.

The Preparation Steps: (held by the bride's family)

6. Panitia Inti / The main committee
4 weeks or 3 weeks before the wedding day, bride's family should form small committee, that consist of families, neighbours, or relatives, who becomes the main person in charge until after the day. They will discuss all the things that they need to prepare, from details to the big things.

7. Kumbokarnan / The big committee
This ceremony will be held 2 weeks before the wedding day. This is a meeting to form big committee for the day by inviting relatives, family, neighbors, and acquaintances. Includes discuss details of the work program for committee and executive. How many invitation, how many things that needed and others. In this ceremony, they arrange  Sedhahan / Distribution of invitation letters.


The Wedding Ceremony Series: (held by the bride's family)

8. Pasang Tratag Tarub / Decorate the bride house
Usually one day before the wedding, gate of bride's parents house decorated with Tarub (decoration plants), which consists of banana trees, bananas, sugarcane, coconuts and banyan leaf. It means that the couple can live well and happy everywhere.

9. Kembang Tuwuhan /  The plants
Tuwuhan or plants symbolize the universe. It has a special meaning in Javanese culture, it seating at the entrance or wedding venue.

10. Kembar Mayang /  The mayang twin
Often called Sekar Kalpataru Dewandaru, a symbol of happiness and salvation. This thing is common to decorate the throne / sasana wiwaha that will occupied by the bride and the groom. Mayang twin used in panebusing sekar mayang step and ritual panggih. When the wedding ceremony is finished, mayang twin will be removed at the crossroad of the road, river, or ocean so that the couple always remember their origins.

11. Siraman / Bathing ceremony for the bride and groom
Siraman means bathing ceremony for bride and groom by parents and elders, which accompanied by a self-cleaning intention to be clean and pure both pysichal and spiritual.

12. Adol Dawet / Selling The Dawet
Dawet is Javanese typical drink. It made of coconut milk, palm sugar and cendol. The seller is bride's mother umbrella by bride's father. The buyer is guests who attendance, which use broken tiles as money.

13. Paes / The bride makeup
Paes is ceremony of removing fine hair that grows around forehead to make it look clean and glowing face, then apply makeup bride. Paes itself symbolizes the hhope of noble position for the bride.

14. Malem Midodareni / Midodareni night ceremony
Midodareni ceremony means to make the bride as beautiful as Goddess Widodari / Dewi Widodari. The bride's parents will feed her for last time, because starting tomorrow it will be the responsibility of her husband

Or if the Ijab event was held tomorrow, this opportunity is used as an introductory meeting for all closest families, relatives and neighbours. In modern Javanese people, in this night also held an event like :
15. Srah-Srahan ceremony / Give many items due the bride.
This is submission of set of equipment from groom to bride, means to accelerate implementation of wedding event until that event is over. Each items has deep significance and meaning--outside of material itself--in form of a ring, set of women's fashion, prayer tools, jewelry, beauty stuff, traditional food, fruits, and money. It's including the dowry that will given by groom to his candidate's wife, in Ijab qabul ceremony tomorrow. 

16. Lamaran Terbuka / The open proposal
Even, the groom and his family was propose the bride front of her family, but in this case, the groom and his family have to proof that he is serious to marry the woman, front of all people who attend the ceremony. Front of neighboors, front of relatives, and many people. After that ceremony, the bride and his family will be placed at relative's house / pondokan, until wedding event is over.

And The Main Ceremony:

17. Upacara Ijab / Ijab-Qabul ceremony
The first procession is Ijab-Qabul ceremony that involved by the head who on duty to marry the couple After Ijab ceremony run and legitimated, then the bride and groom has officially become husband and wife.


18. Upacara Panggih / The Wedding Reception 
After the Ijab ceremony passes, there are wedding reception, which the couple will become a king and queen of the day. They will wearing traditional Javanese wedding dress. On this reception, there are also have many details, like liron kembar mayang, gantal, ngidak endog, sindur, timbangan, kacar-kucur, dulangan, bubak kawah, tumplek punjen, sungkeman, and kirab.

Ngidak endog

The throne


Okay, sooooo many steps, right? :p Even it looks like complicated but I love Javanese custom.


Quote of The Day: 13.03.14

"Sometimes things happen, and we don’t see them clearly, either because we’re not at the right point in our life, or we’re too closely involved to understand. But just because we can’t see the reason behind things doesn’t mean there isn’t one."

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Red Antz

Each of us is supposed to be good at something. I don't know yet whether it's true or not. Maybe that's one of big lies that we got at school. Like teacher telling us that Colombus discovered America (I mean who knows someone was settle there before). Or like lecturer telling us that men and women are equal (hellooo...ever they heard about biology??).

Benny, Bas, Afu and Dita had been my besties since the third grade of high school. We passed over years together with our own ways. I don't know how to count one by one what we left behind, but one thing that I measured of it--whatever people said about them, or whatever they thought about what our friendship was like--I always been their part of life since young. So did them. They would always been my besties, and noone could denying that truth. 

I know that we separated each other now. Dita was married with someone, she had methamorphose to be a good wife as what her husband want. And it means we have to keep what we have to keep--you know, the rules when someone have been married. I may sound like I am complaining, but I really love her and I wish for her best marriage happily ever after. I could remember how we passed our day since high school. How much she loved to go to salon. How much he did stupid things with me. How much she loved to go to mall. And maybe how was her effort when she wanted to join goverment service intrance selection. Without she knows, I am always missing her. Far away from here, I am proud about her. I am wishing for her and her husband, Lukman, so that they will get their baby soon. (Remember Dit, the baby must as cute as us, haha :p). Dita always been my super-strong supporter when I had my black-bastard-dot-of-life at college. She is an innocent girl, with her stupid acts sometimes too. I promise I will take our picture and stick it on a postcard someday. It will definitely be cool! I am missing to go shopping with her, filled the shopping cart with extra shoes, jackets, cloths, as always. I feel like I want to jump back to that years and face our best moment.

Now, it's perfectly good to write this stories down. I had promise to Benny to wrote about us, about our friendship--what he called THE RED ANTZ. Unique name I guess, sounds sweet enough. While I am sitting here, typing these story on my blog, a client says hello morning to me. Good morning to you too everybody. I think I want to have fruits with a cup of mocca for my breakfast--but then I prefer eat pastries with a cup of milk. The pastries were perfectly good to start my day, it's bit dry. I probably need the pastries more than the spoilde gulls need them. The dry thing that inspiring me like a life theory. A piece of dry soil will become fertile soil if we water it periodicly. But too much water is not good also. Do you believe that signs? Happenstance, maybe. Or maybe something bad happen in your life is well aware of your existence and trying to tell you something. It lead us to take a cautious step out and learn to get a better look. The problem was I often forgot to keep that signs. Stuck out with all things that blocked my way.

I would have loved another hour in bed to resting my stiff backbone. But as usual, I am working at early shift--alone. I have my mp4 playlist on full blast with earphones--an early birds for me. I do what I always do, when I don't know what to do--yeah, writing, reading and listening music.
"Ning, please help me to finish this novel project. I stuck with my work and haven't get free time yet to finish it."
I replay that sentence cross my mind. Maybe I shall help him. That isn't such a good thing because I am not good writer like him (in Indonesian language anyway).
"But I am not good on writing as good as you, we have different styles anyway."
I tried to explain. But then Benny said,
"If you are worry about your style on writing, then for God's sake why that guy--your foreign secret admirer--could fall in love with you?"
Damn! I tuck my fingers on keyboard--just like what I do now.

Maybe I have to face with them--that three most handsome guys--and share this stories all. Oh, about that handsome thing, I am lying anyway. I am sure, if we meet each other for a few minutes, they would forget their single-minded-goal.

Afu with his single-minded-goal-to earn money for his wedding dream (which will be held soon, Bas told me). Whether it's true or not, but Afu definitely a hard worker man. Beside he has lazy-on-thing too sometimes.

Bas with his single-minded-goal-to get his new job and wish to get back with his first ex (and.... oh my-to-the-GOD, that was the thing for him??? I admit it he couldn't forget of things  that started but not finished yet, haha... something like desired but not achieved).

And Benny also, with his single-minded-goal-to earn money, to get a girlfriend, to build his own art installation, to finish his novel project, and to bla-bla-bla. Seriously, I can't recognize which one become his single-minded-goal. (Anyway, he is the most complicated guy among them all). I even didn't understand when he discussed about his ideology with me.

And me, I'd forget my I didn't have one! What was my thing??

Maybe the horrible truth is that some of us are not mean to be good at anything. But I want to be able to say, this is what I am good at. It's what I was born to do. This is my thing. Even if I've discovered some God given talent like that guys. I would not have much time to pursue it. So, working here was a matter of survival. I am not complaining and yes, I love this place.

But don't worry, this is not one of those 'I-am-in-love-with-my-best-friend' stories. That three guys had been my best friends since long time ago. Even people told that men and women could not be best friends because it went against nature. Okay, they didn't know what they were talking about. This wasn't the old world. We are best friends all the time. We became best friends. Just like it. No matter what happen, I think it was all that. Like THE RED ANTZ. We started this stories and stepped into the ways. Delightful stories bestowed. We are like a glee.



Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Typical Drawing by Indonesian Children :D

Hi, still recognize this picture?

Picture that has its outline design very "cliché" and typical (for Indonesian children everywhere) in general. The parts that can't be separated from the picture is: the mountain, the sun, and road. The rest, depending on child creation, which can be added with clouds, birds (which is more like the shape of letter M), tree ​​(with its sleeping position), rice fields (which is more like the shape of letter V). 

How? Looks familiar? Hahaha.

But most children (including me) seem to be less creative when assigned to draw scenery. Most of them drawing the same pattern, ya, just like that. I think children has beautiful imagine on their head, but it can not translate well by hand. (Well, it happened to me so hahaha).
