Saturday, March 22, 2014 Kepo-Kepoan Hari Ini

Salted or sweet popcorn?
the salt one.

If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach?
Bahasa Belanda :p

What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
Waktu depresi berkepanjangan selama setahun lebih. Gak pernah ngerasain ngantuk, gak pernah nangis. Insomnia akut.

What's your favorite perfume?
Elizabeth Arden green tea perfume.

If you could paint anything what would you paint?
Wallpaper on my room.

What do you like to do on a rainy day?
Sleep :/

What makes someone attractive?
Their brain and behaviour! :*

Apa yang ada dalam sakumu?
Uang, hape.

Apakah Anda ingat teman pertama Anda?
Teman pertama saat masih baby, si kakak.
Teman pertama saat masuk TK, Etien.
Teman pertama saat masuk SD, Ita.
Teman pertama saat masuk SMP, Wina
Teman pertama saat masuk SMA, Yuni.
Teman pertama saat masuk kuliah, Nina.

Di mana kamu ingin tinggal?
Udah pernah dijawab. Bali atau Melbourne.

Apakah yang kamu tonton di TV kemarin?
Kemarin...apa ya? Lupa. Indonesian idol 8 gak sampai selesai.

What can you do that others can't do?
too much "sabar" :)

What are you most proud of?

Who do you respect the most?
Diversity :)

What are your TOP 5 movies?
top 5 movies? banyak sih...
1. Hachiko
2. Fast and Furious.
3. Crows Zero
4. The Avengers
5. Magic Mike :v *melted*

What vegetable do you hate?

What are your hobbies?
Blogging, reading, watching basketball game, listening music and have Internet connection.

Would you ever make a parachute jump?
Enggak mau. Takut ketinggian.

Which is your favorite song?
Saat ini lagi dengerin lagunya republik-sandiwara cinta, hahaha *bai maksimal*

What’s your favorite method of shopping?
The main question is... "emang shooping ada metodenya yah? hahaha" Belanja mah belanja aja, yang penting gak pake ngutang di kasir. Sesuai shooping chart aja.

What's something you're not very good at but enjoy doing anyway?
Writing on english version :p

What's the best cheese to eat with crackers?
Mozarella cheese.

What are 5 things you love?
1. I love ME
2. I love ME
3. I love my family
4. I love my besties
5. I love my dreams and hopes.

How can you be happy without money?
Noone could happy without money. Money means LIVE. But happiness depends on our thankfulness.

What's a warning sign that you're in the presence of bad company?
Bad boss. Bad environtment