Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Our Health Care

Dad, this is 3 days from your birthday... 
But still I haven't visit your 'house' yet :(

I am really really your bad-lil-girl, uh? I am sorry, but we had so many things left. Mom went out of town for some work. Brother always went home at night from his office, until fell sick. Then Lintang had exam and tution too. Rahma went back to Bogor during her school holiday. And Yostri helped me maintaining the office. I felt really tired so far, but it doesn't matter as long as I was happy through my busy days--picked and dropped Mom, Lintang, Rahma-then kept the office-then prepared house daily needs-then bla bla bla until night--and finished by sleeping beauty at my comfy room.

Two days ago, my heart was recur again. I was really afraid if I got angina or whatever again. But yes, it definetely breathless. Then I drove my motorcyle to drugstore at downtown and bought an oxygen inhaler. It helped me so much at night. I thought I should buy the smaller one to be carried everywhere when I went out. But I haven't found yet what it's like. Sometimes I saw people with asthma brought that small tube (but whether it's particulary for astma or not... I don't know yet).

Umm and, oh.. I want to share this important thing with you all readers. Please do not underestimate back-pain or heart-pain and breathless that you usually got. If your body showed unusual symptoms, go see to check your body to a specialist. Do not wait until you feel the tremendous pain. Anyway make sure you have quality sleep time too. It's not a matter of how long you sleep, but quality sleep is whenever your mind is really in the most relaxed position. For chronic insomniac people, do not underestimate your sleeping problems, if you are having problem such as feel 'hard' to sleep, you should identify factors cause and find solutions for it. Depression, people with heart disease, high-blood-pressure, or astma may interfere your sleep too. Do not use over medication--like antidepressant drugs or sleeping pills--for insomnia (from doctor/that you get easily at drugstore), because it may have undersided side effect for your body too, believe me, I've ever tried it. 

If you do have special health disorders, provide a specific tools for first act in an emergency situation. For example like me--with heart problems--provide an oxygen inhaler for emergency. Like this:

Oxygen inhaler

And provide special medication from your specialist. Don't forget to control your health routine too. 
Health is important, so be grateful!

